The Natural Wellbeing Clinic Ltd
For Healing and Balancing the Body
Mrs. Ann Knott ND DHD PHTD(Dr Zayd Ratansi) RCT ARCH
Naturopath, Colonic Hydrotherapist, Quantum Inlight LED Therapist, Quantum iLife Scanner (SCIO), InterX 5002 therapist, Dietary Therapist based in Oxfordshire UK, near Warwickshire, Northamptonshire & Bucks.

5body Since qualifying in 1992 I have been using a combination of therapies to support the myriad of health problems that beset us and mar our daily lives. I specialise in looking at underlying causes that may have led to digestive disturbance, lack of energy, physical discomfort, and long term illnesses and injuries. These disturbances may eventually lead to medical conditions such as Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Arthritis. I specialise in looking at these underlying causes and assisting in bringing the body back into balance using therapies including Naturopathy, dietary advice, Colonic Hydrotherapy also known as Colonic Irrigation, Peat Hyperthermia Treatment, Avalon LED Therapy and the following Bio-feedback systems: SCENAR/InterX therapy and Quantum SCIO, formerly EPFX. You are an individual and your needs will be individual. Let me help you feel alive and well again by working with you on a one-to-one basis towards an integral health programme designed to suit your needs and within your budget.
Initially, I trained in Dietary Healing and Colonic Hydrotherapy/Irrigation in 1992. From there I studied with a German-trained Naturopath specialising in gastrointestinal discomfort and then with an American Naturopath whose speciality was supporting the endocrine system and release of hormones including supporting Menopause and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). In 1999 I gained a Naturopathic Degree (ND) from the London College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Science.
Subsequent training in 2002 included Bio-feedback SCENAR/InterX therapy with Dr. Zulia Valeyeva-Frost, the leading Russian practitioner in the UK. Impressed by this technology, I further trained in Quantum SCIO, formerly EPFX, with Penny Fox ND at the International Academy for Quantum Training in the UK. Penny Fox was one of the first worldwide trainers to work closely with Professor William C Nelson, the originator of this machine. Eventually migrating from SCIO to Quantum iLife body scanner.
In 2011 the Wellness Tree Group brought Avalon LED Therapy to this country and as a Naturopath I was able to offer this NASAR researched therapy.
If you would like more information, or are interested in receiving support from one or more of the therapies available at the Clinic, please get in touch to arrange a consultation.
For supporting and balancing the body call 07802 525398 between 9am to 5pm. Please leave a message and your name and number if I am unable to answer.